• Onhand Booking & Events are Independent Promoters and Booking agents with over 20 years in the Music & Entertainment Industry

  • W E   F I L L   V E N U E S

What do we do?

Onhand Booking & Events are Independent Promoters & Booking Agents with over 20 years in the Music & Entertainment Industry. We have promoted Irish & International Acts working with everyone from Ed Sheeran to Chic. We have booked acts for all Major Irish Venues and Festivals and we have also created Events & Festivals Nationwide for over 2 decades. We work with some of the top International Brands in the World and we have established partnerships with some of the best creative minds in the Country

Roisin Dubh
Koh Restaurant
Guiness Cork Jazz Festival
House of Fraser
Electric Galway
Royal Theatre Castle Bar
The Sugar Club
Galway International Festival
H & M
Sligo Summer Festival
5th on Teeling
Sea Sessions Music Festival